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Texas Democratic Women of the Brazos Valley


TDWBV Bylaws Revised, Approved 11.2.2013 3





The organization shall be known as Texas Democratic Women of the Brazos Valley (TDWBV), and shall be a chapter of the statewide organization of Texas Democratic Women (TDW).


TDWBV will promote the increased political activity and influence of Democratic women in Texas politics and government.



Section 1 – TDWBV will provide support for Democrats working in party organization, campaigns, and/or seeking party or public office.

Section 2 – TDWBV will work to promote increased representation of women in party and government institutions.

Section 3 – TDWBV will promote the legislative, executive, and judicial policies which enhance equitable representation of women in party and government affairs.

Section 4 – TDWBV will not endorse one Democrat in opposition to another Democrat.



Section 1 – Any person who supports the purpose of the organization is eligible for membership.

Section 2 – A member in good standing shall be an individual whose dues are current.




Section 1 – Dues will be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the general membership.

Section 2 – Dues are payable at the beginning of the calendar year, January 1.

Section 3 – Renewing members must pay dues each year to be considered a member in good standing for that year.

Section 4 – New members who join during the third quarter are members in good standing through the next fiscal year.




Section 1 – The officers of TDWBV shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Executive Board will be composed of the officers, the immediate Past President, and two additional At Large members elected by the membership.

Section 2 – The term of office shall be two years or until a successor is elected.

Section 3 – Officers may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 4 – The President shall have served at least one term on the existing or on a previous TDW Board before being elected President.




Section 1 – The primary duties of the President shall be to:

a) preside at meetings of the Executive Board and general membership;

b) represent TDWBV publicly or designate an alternate;

c) appoint standing and ad hoc committee chairs;

d) appoint special committee chairs as needed with approval of the Executive Board;

e) serve as ex-officio member on all committees except the nomination committee;

f) set meeting dates and prepare agendas with Executive Board approval;

g) sign contracts as necessary and have signature authority for contractual and financial obligations with approval of the board.


Section 2 – The Vice President shall:


a) perform the duties of the President when the President is absent;

b) perform duties assigned by the President.


Section 3 – The Secretary shall:


a) be responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and general membership and distribute the minutes to the Executive Board;

b) report attendance of the Executive Board members at Executive Board meetings in the minutes;

c) be responsible for TDWBV correspondence as directed by the President;

d) maintain copies of all records, agendas, minutes, and reports;

e) perform other duties of the office as assigned by the President.


Section 4 – The Treasurer shall:


a) be the custodian of funds in bank accounts, pay all bills upon authorization of the President or the Executive Board;

b) submit a written financial report of TDWBV and account for all funds received and disbursed at each Executive Board meeting;

c) provide membership information to the secretary and President upon receipt of that information;

d) keep an itemized record, in a permanent file, of all receipts and expenditures;


e) file necessary ethics report to the state;

f) provide all records to the incoming treasurer within 30 days of the election;

g) serve as mentor to the incoming treasurer;


Section 5 – Officers shall serve on the Executive Board and perform other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 6 – At the end of a term of office, all officers shall deliver all TDWBV records to their successor within 30 days.




Section 1 – The standing committees for TDWBV shall be Program, Communications, Nominations, Membership, Audit.   The chair shall be appointed by the President.  The chair shall be a member in good standing.  The committee chair shall select members to serve on their committees.

  1. a) Program Committee:

Plan programs of interest to the membership on a regular basis.

Coordinate with the Communications Committee to get word out to the public.

Set up space

  1. b) Communications Committee:

Publicize activities through social media

Send out meeting notices

Keep up the community calendar, and keep TDW State calendar informed of meetings and events

Coordinate with other committees

  1. c) Nominations Committee

Consist of a minimum of 2 members

Solicit nominations during the year

Nominate a slate of officers & at-large board members and present to the membership at the annual meeting

  1. d) Membership Committee

Dual function:  Keep the membership contact information database current;  Coordinate with Treasurer

Recruit new members

  1. e) Audit Committee: The chair and two members shall audit the books at the end of the fiscal year.  The treasurer shall turn over the records for the fiscal year to the audit committee.  The treasurer shall not be a member of the audit committee.

Section 2 – The  functions of the Standing Committees shall be to plan and recommend to the Executive Board policies and programs within their areas of responsibility.  Committees shall perform other duties assigned by the Board.

Section 3 – Each committee shall consist of a Chair and two (2) or more members.  Committee members are appointed for one-year terms and may be reappointed.  No person shall serve more than three consecutive years on the same committee.

Section 4 – Other committees, standing or special shall be created by the Executive Board as deemed necessary to carry on the work of TDWBV.




Section 1 – Meetings shall be scheduled by the Executive Board with proper notification of all members

Section 2 – The January meeting shall be designated as the annual meeting for conducting business.



Section 1 – All decisions to be made by the Executive Board or membership of the organization shall be made by a majority vote of those members present & voting except in those instances specified in the bylaws.

Section 2 – Officers shall be voted on by the general membership at the annual meeting and shall take office immediately.

Section 3 – Only members who are in good standing shall be permitted to vote and shall be eligible for office.

Section 4 – There shall be no proxy voting.

Section 5 – A person who fills an expired term greater than one year shall be considered to have served a full term of office in determining eligibility for re-election.

Section 6 – In an election with two (2) candidates on the ballot, the candidate with the simple majority shall be elected.  In an election with three (3) or more candidates, the candidate with fifty-one percent (51%) of the votes shall be elected.  If none of the candidates receives fifty-one percent (51%) of the vote, an immediate runoff election shall be held between the two candidates who receive the most votes.

Section 7 – Vacancies in offices and Executive Board positions shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the Executive Board at the next Executive Board meeting.




Section 1 – The fiscal year shall be January 1st -December 31.

Section 2 – The financial statement and financial reports shall be presented to the membership at the annual meeting.


Section 3 – Audit

  1. a) The committee shall conduct an audit once a year after the books are closed for the fiscal year.
  1. b) The treasurer shall furnish the Chair of theAudit Committee a record of all accounts, membership lists, income receipts, accounts payable, financial statements , checks and deposit slips.
  1. c) The audit should be conducted within thirty days of the closing of the books.
  1. d) The Audit Committee shall present a preliminary report of its results to the President within thirty days of receipt of the records from the treasurer and shall present a full written report to the Executive Board.




The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern TDWBV in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that TDWBV may adopt.




Upon petition of not less than five (5) members, amendments to the bylaws may be proposed, and not less than thirty (30) days thereafter may be ratified if concurred with by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the membership present and voting.  A quorum for the purpose shall be one more than one-half (1/2 plus 1) of the membership.




Should TDWBV be dissolved by appropriate action of its membership, the funds and other assets shall be given to Texas Democratic Women.



Original revisions 4/2/2008

Revisions voted 11/2/2013