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Texas Democratic Women of the Brazos Valley


Texas Democratic Women of the Brazos ValleyWe invite all members to join a committee.  As a member of a committee, you can take a leading role, or work on small projects here and there, depending on your schedule and availability.  We have something for everyone!

Once the committees are formed for each TDW of BV term, the committee members will select a chair and a vice-chair.  Alternatively, the President has the authority to appoint the chair.  As a group, you will be responsible for each other and for carrying out the functions of your committee.

And, the most fun — joining a committee is how you get to know other members!

  1. Membership Committee.
  • Inform people about the TDWofBV and how they can join.
  • Lead an ongoing “out-reach” program to contact persons who may be willing to join.
  • At the beginning of each year analyze, plan, and conduct a membership drive.
  • Ensure membership brochures and written materials are available at TDWHarris meetings and events, and at various community activities.
  • Maintain the TDWofBV database of members on Excel spreadsheet in coordination with Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Enter all members’ names, mailing address, email addresses phone number, and amount and date of dues paid in the database, check on and update obsolete contact information, add new members’ information promptly, enter each member’s participation in activities in a notes field.
  • Maintain a database for all visitors to meetings, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Use databases to produce reports for Treasurer, and provide copies to any other Board member on request.
  • Process membership applications, and coordinate with the Secretary and Treasurer to maintain accurate membership records.
  • Welcome new members and follow up with calls to encourage involvement.
  • Stay in touch with all members throughout the year with calls, emails, cards, etc.
  • Handle check-in at monthly meetings and preside over attendance sheet.
  • Always have membership applications at meetings and other functions, ready to recruit new members on the spot.  Make sure applications are completely filled out.
  • Conducts a renewal of members at the end of each year.
  1. Communications Committee. (Vice President is Automatic Chair.)
  • Recruit and select at least three members, each as a “Lieutenant” for (1) website, (2) database, and (3) social media work.
  • Maintain and continuously update the TDWofBV website.  The website should be very user friendly, so that committee members can be easily be trained to update it.
  • Contact various committee chairs for adding content to website.
  • Form relationships with the press and try to get them to write articles about TDWofBV.
  • Send press releases about Brazos County and State TDW activities.
  • Create brochures, flyers, and other printed materials in coordination with other committees.
  • Post items regularly on TDWofBV’s Facebook and Twitters pages, focusing on credible article and images that promote TDWofBV’s purposes.
  • Take photos at TDWofBV’s events.
  • Each month provide the State TDW Communications Chair a report of TDWofBV’s activities and a photo
  • Maintain TDWofBV e-mailing system, and send email blasts as directed by the Board
  1. Young TDW Committee. Age thirty-nine (39) and below.
  • Motivate and energize TDWofBv’s members.
  • Cultivate new members.
  • Stay in touch and communicate regularly with your friends, inside and outside TDW, concerning issues that affect women.
  • Encourage people you know to register to vote – and to vote in elections.
  • Make suggestions and bring new ideas to the entire membership of TDWofBV.
  • Visit local groups, e.g., TAMU Aggie Democrats, and encourage their members to join.
  • Provide Communications Committee with information to post.
  1. “Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) Committee.
  • Plan and coordinate GOTV activities as appropriate when we are in an election cycle.
  • Focus on the recruitment and election of progressive women candidates within Brazos County, and registering voters.
  • Organize training for potential candidates.
  • Stay up-to-date with issues/happenings in the government at the local, state, and national level.
  • Keep members informed of various issues and ways that they can take action to encourage voting by Democrats.
  • Provide Communications Committee with information to post.
  1. Outside Events Committee.
  • Plan and execute periodic social events, such as speakers, article discussions, debate watching parties etc.
  • Research local events of interest to women and suggest attendance at such events as a group from TDWofBV.
  • Coordinate the involvement in Brazos County community events.
  • Promote wearing our TDWofBV T-shirts at community events.
  • Be in charge of and promotes sales of TDWofBV T-shirts.
  • Provide Communications Committee with information to post.
  1. Program Committee.
  • Plan the speakers and programs for the TDWofBV monthly meetings.
  • Present the proposed programs to the Executive Board for approval at board meetings.
  • Invite speakers, confirm their attendance for a particular month, provide them with information about the TDWofBV, act as their main contact, and give the Board and Communications Committee details for promoting the speaker.
  • At each meeting, greet the speaker, introduce him/her (or arrange for someone else to do the introduction), and assist the speaker out of the meeting afterwards.
  • Write a note afterwards thanking the speaker.
  • Provide Communications Committee with information to post.
  1. Fundraising Committee. (President-Elect is Automatic Chair.)
  • Raise funds to fulfill the mission of the organization.
  • Plan and execute fundraising activities to ensure that the TDWofBV has the resources it needs to meet its goals.
  • Assist the Membership Committee with the membership drive.
  • Receive all donations (kept separate from membership dues).
  • Pass along money and new persons’ contact information to the Treasurer, copy of the contact information to the Vice President for purposes of communications.
  • Work with the Treasurer on fundraising record-keeping.
  • Provide Communications Committee with information to post.
  1. Nominating Committee.

Anyone may join this committee.  This committee shall consist of at least three members (but no maximum number) who shall be elected at the meeting one month prior to the election of officers.  The consent of the candidate shall be obtained before placing a name on the slate of officers to be submitted for election.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

  1. Legislative Committee.
  • Research and stay up-to-date with issues/happenings in the government at the local, state, and national level.  This will include attending hearings and debates in Austin.
  • Keep up with issues that affect women and TDWofBV members.
  • Report current issues at monthly meetings, as appropriate.
  • Research and investigate studies or trends that may affect upcoming legislation.
  • Monitor and track the progress of bills while the Texas Legislature is in session.
  • Report status of bills as they traverse through the Legislature.
  • Summarize at a meeting the recent legislation that passed, and bills that did not pass, which affect women and TDWofBV members.
  • Provide Communications Committee with information to post.